

punjab knoll

Khandallah - Wellington, NZ


Four semi-detached residential units with individual owners - all units suffering from weatherproofing problems. Our task has been to work with all owners, both as a collective and individually, to re-design each unit to resolve all existing and potential weatherproofing problems. Some of the owners have also taken the opportunity to expand the scope to include some internal alterations to better suit their lifestyle.

This image is of one of the units nearing completion.

The nature of these projects require meticulous attention to recording all damage as a result of original design and construction, designing the best overall solution, documentation and project management of the rebuild. All aspects of the discovery, redesign and rebuild process will need to stand up to scrutiny through the legal process that invariably follows. We are very confident with our ability to do all this extremely well. We've helped with a reasonable number of similar projects now and maintain a good relationship with all our previous clients. That's important to us - we know the stress our clients are feeling and do our best to make the experience as positive as possible.